Holowrex is a Mixed Reality game developed for the Microsoft HoloLens using Unity with the Mixed Reality Toolkit.

Puchi, a giant ‘kaiju’ (i.e. monster), has been given a mission by his boss. The player takes on the perspective of Puchi overlooking Planet Earth, walking around randomly generated islands of the game world. Using the ‘pinch’ gesture, the player can interact with interactable objects in the world. The art direction for this project is a simplistic yet comedic.


Using the Microsoft hololens spatial understanding, I was in charged of constructing the game world, making sure every island is generated in the current environmental space while not overlapping each other. To Accomplish this, I had to directly understand and utilize the underlying implementation of the API to maximize the load time and make sure everything runs correctly.

I succeeded in doing so after weeks of testing. I was able to enhance the scanning process by adding a visual shader that pulsates as you scan to help users identify what has been scanned, all while making it feel like a clean and finished product.
